EverGreening India

ICRAF’s South Asia Programme and the EverGreen Agriculture Partnership convened a two-day meeting dubbed EverGreening India on 31 August and 1 September 2017, at the NASC Complex, Pusa, New Delhi. This discussion was a follow-up to an initial meeting held in February 2015. The event brought together 40 scientists from the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government…

Two billion care, do you?

Two billion people live in the drylands, which cover 41 percent of the world’s land area. Far from being bare and lifeless, these drylands contain trees and forests essential to the lives of people and animals, supplying basic needs such as food, medicine, wood, energy, and fodder for livestock. But every minute, we lose 23…

From courage and innovation comes hope

Would you quit your current position at your place of work to venture out on your own? If so, would you consider yourself to have acquired all the skills and expertise necessary to be successful? According to Samuel, a champion farmer of the Trees for Food Security (T4FS) Project, it was about time he developed…

Empowering women through trees

A number of women in Manafwa District, Uganda, sought to establish a group that would create a joint income generating platform through nurseries, dubbed Elgon Trust Women group. The group started with 8 members and currently has 22members. Challenges arising from harsh weather conditions (mainly having to carry water from a steam to water the…

Transformation: When good science and innovation meet

“It’s better to have a team of good farmers than good researchers, in terms of impacts.” These were Tony Bartlett’s remarks during the Trees for Food Security (T4FS) Project review in Uganda. Richard Namunyu, a lead farmer of the Project wowed reviewers with his vast knowledge of trees and farming, as well as the extensive work…

Starting small, thinking big: seven ingredients that help smart agriculture thrive

Rural farmers in many parts of the world are already using ‘smart’ agricultural practices like intercropping, agroforestry and rainwater harvesting. But what if those practices benefitted the livelihoods and landscapes of millions more? Climate-smart agriculture, the raft of sustainable agricultural practices designed to help farmers overcome hunger, adapt to climate change, manage their natural resources…

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